- 08: Kick-off meeting
- 17: Freshmen welcome party of Miyamoto Laboratory
- 22-23: International Conference on Civil, Archtecture and Marine Engineering (Osaka)
- 16: Freshmen welcome party of three laboratories (Miyamoto, Sanada, and Tada Laboratories) on structural engineering
- 23: Freshmen welcome party of the Course of Archtecturtal Engineering
- 24: Microtremer measurement at Wakayama Castle
- 17-20: 7th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (7ICEGE, Rome)
- 22: Annual meeting of KinKi Branch of Architectural Institute of Japan (Osaka)
(Excellent Presentation Award: Ayaka SATO (M2) and Ryoichi NISHINO (M2))
- 22: Social gathering with laboratories on vibration engineering in Kinki Area
- 03-05: Microtremer measurement at Wakayama Castle
- 05: Midterm presentation on doctral thesis
- 10: Workshop with alumni of Miyamoto Laboratory
- 20-22: Entrance examination of the Graduate School of Engineering
- 03-06: Annual meeting of Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ, Kanazawa)
- 17-18: Fall meeting of Seismological Society of Japan (SSJ, Kyoto)
- 19-20: Annual meeting of Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering (JAEE, Kyoto)
- 26: Workshop with alumni of laboratories on structural engineering in Osaka University
- 25: Midterm presentation on graduation thesis with Kobe University and Nara Women's University
16: Workshop in University of California, Irvine
19: Workshop in University of California, Davis
24: New year party
06: Deadline of master thesis
12: Presentation on master thesis
14: Deadline of graduation thesis
19: Presentation on graduation thesis
(Excellent Presentation Award: Sachie SUMITOMO (B4) and Hiroki TERAGAKI (B4))
17: Ms. SATO (M2) was awarded by Osaka University Engineering Society.
23: Farewell party
25: Graduation ceremony
25: Ms. Sumitomo (B4) was awarded by School of Engineering.