
2011/03/26 Graduation trip 追い出し旅行
2011/03/25 Graduation ceremony 卒業式・修了式
2010/12/18 Presentation on the thesis with 3-Universities 三大学環境工学系卒業研究発表会
2010/12/04 A Year-end party with graduated members 望年会
2010/10/25 AIVC AIVC
2010/10/02 goudouzemi 合同ゼミ
2010/09/30 ACBC ACBC
2010/07/17 Summer trip ゼミ旅行
2010/07/10 The party of 3-university 三大学懇親会
2010/06/14 BBQ BBQ
2010/04/21 Welcome Party 2010 新入生歓迎会
2010/04/03 OHANAMI お花見